Yeah – Week 02!

Now we start to learn about controlling circuits with the Arduino micro-controller. This week’s lessons contains over an hour of video.

The presentation that I cover can be downloaded here as well.

Step 1: Introduction

A quick overview of one of my past project. The Youtube video I mention in the lesson can be found here.

Step 2: Circuit Review

Let’s take a quick review of how to properly wire up a circuit. This is an important step to avoid accidentally shorting out your board or blowing up your LEDs.

Step 3: Arduino Overview

At he heart of our project is the Arduino micro-controller. Let’s learn how it works and what the pins can do.

Step 4: Install & Launch PictoBlox

We will be using a program called PictoBlox to program our Arduino. It is a blocks-based programming tool. You can download it from here.

Step 5: Getting to Blinkie

The first step with all micro-controllers is to blink an LED. Let’s do that now.

Step 6: Blink Multiple LEDs

Now, let’s blink a bunch of LEDs. Remember, you can blink them using your own patters so be creative.

Step 7: Switch

Switches are move fun when you can control them within the code. This lessons will explain how you can read the value of a switch.

Step 8: The Parent Annoying Device (aka Buzzer)

And, sorry parents, the buzzer makes an appearance!

Yeah, we completed the entire lesson. Next week, we’ll start looking at the motor board & motors. While we won’t assemble our vehicle just yet, we will start to see how it comes together.

Think about what you want to add to your vehicle, maybe a funny stuffed animal, or a creepy monster, or maybe even the start of a quarantine parade.

If you have questions or run into problems, you can call or email me any time. [email protected] / 605-610-9455